BaconPaul updates Six Sines to v1.1.0
Thursday March 27, 2025. 11:01 AM , from KVR Audio
BaconPaul has released version v1.1.0 of the free Six Sines synth plugin for macOS, Windows and Linux (VST3, AU & CLAP). Version 1.1.0 was developed as part of the collaboration with the One Synth Challenge community and other early users. It contains some substantial feature upgrades and some bug fixes not in 1.0.5. Six Sines v1.1.0 Release Notes Synth Features: Add a 'Six Sines, Seven Outs' plugin variant which has an individual VST out per operator Unison voices can choose a strategy for which bus to participate in, allowing center-only-to-main and other strategies. Add a very-low-frequency option for non-keytracked operators, allowing operation from 0-10hz. Add a unison width control. The mod matrix nodes (op3->op5, etc...) have a 10x depth control. Allow the last point of the envelope of LFO to participate in the node mod matrix. Add an 'Envelope Retrigger from Zero' mode. Ratio (Fine) as well as Ration available as target in operator matrix. Smooth the velocity source in the mod matrix to avoid jumps when using velocity as a modulator in legato modes. Add 'Linear' and 'ZOH' resampler options. Fix the TX tables to match the TX81Z more accurately; rename the prior incorrect tables to 'spiky' variants. Add a 'coarse' tune knob in addition to a 'fine' tune. Portamento Continuation allows porta to restart on release, on new voice, and so on. Fix several temposync bugs in the LFO. Add TZLinear FM and Exponential FM as modulation modes for the mod matrix, in addition to PM and RM; add scaling (abs, unipolar, normal) modes to the RM. Add 'Solo' feature to the mixer. Update the voice manager, allowing full note id support in VST3 and CLAP in legato modes. Add a collection of 'Window' style waveforms, useful for AM/RM modelling. Add an LFO Start Phase control. Fix a problem where the center voice was mis-identified in unison in some cases. User Interface: Add a suite of accessibility fixes to various controls. Add UI scaling from 75-150%. Add a light-mode skin. Allow fractional typeins on ratios. You can copy and paste nodes or node regions between nodes. Consistent dirty flag displays in UI when patch is modified and unsaved to disk or DAW. Temposync string values reflect properly in clap parameter displays. Temposync controls allow typein like '1/4' or '1/16.' or '1/8T'. Ratio buttons have a jog control. Add an option to reposition sources and matrices. Fix a problem with mouse wheel on macOS when using an actual mouse (as opposed to trackpad). Fix a problem with tooltip hover sticking. Fix a problem where the jog buttons on patch selector would mis-jump after saving a patch. Obey upper bound correctly on DAHDR typeins. Plugin related improvements: Add parameter smoothing to clap params. Add support for CLAP and VST3 pan, tune, and volume note expressions. Wrap all parameter changes in begin/end consistently. Call gui:set_size consistently on scale changes, fixing a windows reaper sizing issue. Code Improvements: Remove some troublesome uses of thread_local storage in envelopes and elsewhere. Place visual indication of a debug build in the UI. Move to a list/grid based layout; port the code back to sst-jucegui and adjust screens. Consolidate target locations when building both in pipeline and locally. Move JUCE LookandFeel management to the shared sst-jucegui pacakge. Substantial improvements to the performance of the LFO and Envelope classes under constant rate. Clean up the patch load / sync mechanism to be more thread-aware. Set modsource param max to allow all mod sources. (the 'UNK2048' problem). Implement (but leave off) the clap preset-factory mechanism. Infrastructure: Move the macOS minimum to 10.14. Build with docker Ubuntu 20 image for Linux. Add an option to disable the JUCE Software renderer on Windows. Fix a problem with UTF16 paths and patch loading on Windows. Fix a problem with keyboard input in the VST3 in Studio1 and Live on Windows. Documentation and Content: Upgrade the manual to include the wonderful videos from Taron. New patches from Videco. New patches from SiL3NC3. Fix a few patches which were tuned off by 7 semitones. Read More
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