Introducing Disseptor: A Multiband Dispersion + Distortion Plug-In
Friday January 31, 2025. 01:05 PM , from Gearslutz
I am happy to announce the release of Disseptor, a new multiband dispersion and distortion plug-in with some unique features!
Here’s the concept of the plug-in: Before applying distortion, you can adjust five EQ points that introduce phase shifts or delays to specific frequencies. While small phase shifts are subtle on their own, they influence the character of the distortion, allowing you to shape the sound more precisely by modifying the phase of different frequency ranges. In addition, the plugin allows for longer delay settings that introduce an audible delay, which can smear out transients and add punch, particularly to percussive sounds. Key Features: - 5 EQ Points for delaying / phase shifting specific frequencies in an intuïtive user interface. - Asymmetrical Soft Clipper: For generating even harmonics, resulting in a warmer sound. - DC Blocker: Removes DC offset caused by the asymmetry, ensuring a cleaner output. - 16x Linear Phase Oversampling: Reduce aliasing effects for higher audio quality. - 7-Day Free Trial: Fully functional, so you can try the plugin before purchasing. For more information, including demos, tutorials, and user reviews, visit Intro Price: €29.99 (regular price: €39.99). The 25% discount is available until March 1st. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Disseptor! Attached Thumbnails
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