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Ocean Swift - Wavetable Compatibility Converter | use your wavetables with all your synths and modul

Wednesday November 27, 2024. 06:57 PM , from Gearslutz
After the great response to our Wavetable Creator we have released another wavetable tool, a small but crucially missing piece in the sound design landscape!

Wavetable Compatibility Converter has one job - to convert wavetables files that have one frame size, to another frame size.

This empowers you to use wavetables that you have in one specific format across all your other wavetables, synths, modules and plugins.

It also empowers you to create wavetables in tools other than our Wavetable Creator, such as in Vital (exports 88khz files) or in WaveEdit (exports 256 frame files) and use them anywhere!
The conversion is of very high quality - perfect for professional grade useage.

Key Features:
- Convert wavetables in high quality between frame sizes for full flexibility - use your existing wavetables anywhere.
- Automatically embed loop points for compatibility with Surge XT, VAZ Modular, and more.
- Export multiple formats at once to optimize your workflow.
- Automatically generate Serum-compatible FolderInfo.txt files for batch exports.
The application uses advanced sinc interpolation with a 512-sample kernel and a Hann window, ensuring pristine conversion quality.

Best of all - it's just €10! Simple tool, simple price, does the job!

Has a look here, check out our small trailer video and grab your copy and further enhance your Wavetable tools arsenal! ->

Let us know if you find any issues, if you need any additional frame sizes or other particular details in order to make this even more useful for you.

Thanks for the support and happy wavetable-ing!

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." - Duke Kahanamoku

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