Reamping Multiple Amps with the same DI?
Sunday November 10, 2024. 11:37 PM , from Gearslutz
Apologies in advance for my writer's block which is making it difficult for me to write basic sentences. ERGO I will explain everything in the simplest way possible 'cos it's what my brain is capable of. HERE IS WHAT I HAVE DONE: Step 1) Recorded a great sounding Guitar DI. Step 2) Mic'd up a 4x12 with a 57 and an LDC Step 3) Reamped the DI into Amplifier 1 and the Cab mentioned above. Step 4) Thought to myself: "Hey! That sounds amazing! But I bet this amp would sound nuts with Amplifier 2 as a compliment!" Step 5) Plugged Amplifier 2 into the Cab mentioned above. Did not move the mics. Step 6) Recorded Amplifier 2. Thought to myself: "DAAAMN! That sounds sick! It has all the high mids that the first amp was lacking" HERE BE THE PROBLEM Step 7) Play both recorded amps at the same time. Even though it was recorded with the same cab and the same mics and no mic positions were changed, there are massive phase issues. Issues that can't be corrected by nudging the clips around or flipping the phase. Step 8) Wonder why the hell I thought recording music was a good idea in the first place. Go hug my dog because he's a good boy. SOLUTIONS? So one possible solution I found is to pan Amp A to hard left and Amp B to hard right. Then the signals which are out of phase aren't sitting on top of each other and it seems to work and sound fine. However obviously when I sum it to mono I have a garbled mess of a guitar tone. But nobody is gonna listen to this in mono anyway so...potentially not a big deal. BUT: I am aware that there is a phasing issue in the mix. So I am wondering if said issue can come back to bite me somewhere down the line? I know a lot of producers (Case in point: Bob Rock) love to blend a large number of amps in a mix to get a big guitar sound. So I am certain that there are solutions to my current situation that I haven't figured out or am aware of. ERGO: How do we do the thing? I would ask that question better if my brain allowed me to words more better, but unfortunately my brain is not wordsing right now. So for the lack of better words that my brain is currently lacking? How do we do the thing? Thank you love you.
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