Turntable tone-arm stylus inertia simulation plugin
Tuesday November 5, 2024. 06:05 PM , from Gearslutz
Turntable tone-arm stylus inertia simulation plugin, or simply "Stylus":)
This is a 64 bit VST2 plugin for Windows PC, attempting to simulate the physical audio-limits of vinyl-records played on a turn-table through a RIAA-amplifier. It will attempt to clamp digital audio into the acoustic-space of what a vinyl-record can faithfully reproduce through a turn-table's tone-arm and stylus. It will not 'color' the audio with things such as crackle, noise, pops or wow & flutter. If the audio is already in the vinyl acoustic-space, then the plugin (At its default settings) will have little effect. The plugin will only work correctly when used at 96 kHz sample-rate (It will partly work at other sample-rates, but use caution as it may output odd digital noises at certain settings) It is only tested in Reaper DAW, and may or may not work anywhere else. Download link: This youtube-demo is a walk-through of the controls and a demo of its sound (Pardon my English, as I'm Danish:bumpkin: ): There is NO AI in this plugin, but, since I am somewhat out of my comfort-zone with this plugin, as it's a simulation rather than an emulation, and since I have no experience with coding simulations (All my previous plugins are emulations of systems), I 'sparred' with AI to convert from how I work with code and into a more CPU-efficient simulation-base (An emulation would require unfeasible sample-rates to sound as desired, so I had to give that up. But I discovered AI was able to convert my methods into code that takes some short-cuts without completely losing the desired sound) But this also means that the code uses methods I'm not normally using, so I'm still learning new things about this style of coding:) It's still very heavy on the CPU though, but there's no way around that unfortunately (The vibration simulations and slewrate-to-frequency relations are very taxing) There is occasionally some aliasing happening, that I haven't been able to root out, but it's almost only at excessively loud volumes. So you shouldn't see much of it at normal levels, but just be aware of it if you're doing pro-work and want to use this plugin. I'm not trying to replicate any specific turn-table, but I am basing the sound on my Technics SL1210 sound (That's when the plugin is set to its default settings, not when you set the controls differently) I created this plugin to be used as the last plugin in the FX-chain, only followed by Airwindows' "METER" (And possible a safety-limiter), but I'm not the music-police so it's up to you how you use it of course:) The demo-video above should show you all you need to know. Finally, I'm releasing this is freeware (My first audio-simulation plugin) and labeling it "Experimental", so if it doesn't work as desired on your system... well, then don't expect me to be able to do much about it (As said; I normally do emulations, which is much easier math and code-construction without look-up-tables full of a million coefficients and interpolations and cutting-corners etc, so this is new ground for me so please don't roast me too hard if it doesn't sound to your liking:) ) Enjoy!:)
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