Plink 2 now available
Wednesday November 21, 2018. 10:19 PM , from Gearslutz
Very happy to announce that Plink 2 is now available. Plink 2 builds on the success of the original Plink Kontakt instrument by adding a far better user interface, some additional sample sets and a dedicated FX section with bespoke convolution reverbs, delay and a multimode filter to sculpt the perfect plink.
Plink 2 provides a beautiful collection of plinky sounds. To create this instrument I sampled a wide variety of sources, including old and new synths, vintage guitars, a ukulele, a banjolele, a music box, toy instruments, a beaten-up piano plus ‘found’ sounds*like*kitchen glasses and a bicycle wheel. As well as a re-designed GUI, created by Paul Lebküchner of Sound Aesthetics Sampling, the sample sets have been tweaked, start points adjusted and some of the more wayward samples tuned to produce a more polished sounding instrument. With the new GUI, polished samples and funky FX, new life has been breathed into the original plinky sample set. This makes Plink 2 a better sounding, and far more versatile and fun instrument to play and explore. Plink 2 is available now at: Plink - Kontakt Library
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