Audiomodern releases Riffer 1.0.3 update
Monday October 15, 2018. 05:06 PM , from DontCrac[k] Blog
Audiomodern has just released the 1.0.3 Version of their very first VST/AU plug-in, Riffer! Available now from the DontCrack Store at the introductory price of $39 until October 22nd, 2018.
Get Audiomodern’s Riffer at the introductory price of ONLY $39!! About Riffer: Introducing ‘Riffer’, a smart MIDI tool that generates random Riffs for your Sounds, Software & Hardware. Built both for studio and live performance. Designed to feed anything that accepts MIDI signal, Software & Hardware, you can choose from 50+ scales, choose pattern complexity, steps, start and end points, set pitch, transpose, motion, measures, and much more to serve as inspiration for your musical masterpieces. Changes / Fixes in 1.0.3: Drag/Export MIDI patterns for Windows Systems + Cubase 8/9.5 Closing & re-opening Riffer window caused some DAWs to erase Scale settings Adjusting number of triggered notes while volume is in “lock” state Resizing option to fit 13′ inch, or smaller screens General Improvements for Desktop & iOS To get your Version 1.0.3 go to your Audiomodern account and log-in. When the download is complete, uninstall the current version from your computer and re-install the new version.
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