Mac > ATPM
Monday July 29, 2024. 01:35 AM
PEBKACArticle Title: The Normals’ View of Apple and the iPhoneAuthor: Christopher TurnerTech-heads should realize that their view of Apple and the iPhone is very different from that of normal folks.
MacMuserArticle Title: The Best and Worst Christmas PresentsAuthor: Mark TennentThis month, Mark Tennent muses the Galaxy Tab, hard drive warranties, and Baconnaise.
Segments: Slices from the Macintosh LifeArticle Title: An Achievable DreamAuthor: Dave TrautmanDave Trautman is back with more tales of his Macintosh computing experience.
Segments: Slices from the Macintosh LifeArticle Title: Digital > Analog > DigitalAuthor: Lee BennettA plea to keep QR codes on paper where they belong.
How ToArticle Title: Create Your Own iPhone RingtonesAuthor: Sylvester RoqueCustom iPhone ringtones do not require paying Apple a dollar each, or buying specialized software to do the job. You probably already have all the software necessary to make them yourself.
Segments: Slices from the Macintosh LifeArticle Title: Smart Move?Author: Linus LyI want iPhone.
Desktop PicturesArticle Title: From ATPM ReadersFour ATPM. readers provided this month’s photos.
The Spinning BeachballAuthor: Grant OsborneIn a paperless society, dogs still eat homework.
Software ReviewArticle Title: MacJournal 6.0Author: David OzabDavid Ozab has high marks for this powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use journaling environment.
Book ReviewArticle Title: The Information Diet: A Case for Conscious ConsumptionAuthor: Ellyn RitterskampJust as there is junk food, there is junk information. Learn how to resist it.
FAQ: Frequently Asked QuestionsWe’ve read your mind (we think)! Whether it’s a question on how to subscribe or unsubscribe from ATPM or how you can contribute to a future issue (yes, you can write for ATPM), we’ve got you covered on our FAQ page. And in case we’re...
SponsorsATPM is a free publication thanks to our volunteer staff and our sponsors. Your support is also appreciated and we provide several options by which you can help keep ATPM free.
About This Particular Macintosh: About the personal computing experience™--Cover art by Matt McCray
WelcomeAuthor: Robert Paul LeitaoATPM is a free publication thanks to our volunteer staff and our sponsors. Your support is also appreciated and we provide several options by which you can help keep ATPM free. On our Support ATPM page, you’ll find links through which you...
E-MailWe’d love to hear your thoughts about our publication. We always welcome your comments, criticisms, suggestions, and praise. Or, if you have an opinion or announcement about the Macintosh platform in general, that’s OK too. Send your e-mail to All...
The iPad ChroniclesArticle Title: Apple’s Ghost of Christmas Yet to ComeAuthor: Robert Paul LeitaoIn this month’s excerpt from The iPad Chronicles, Robert Paul Leitao writes about Apple’s Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.
MacMuserArticle Title: It’s Got No Blinking LightAuthor: Mark TennentSometimes, something has to go missing before you realize it was ever there.
MacMuserArticle Title: The Best Use for a KindleAuthor: Mark TennentPondering the steady pace of progress—from beer, to bread, to publishing—leads Mark Tennent to find the ideal use for a Kindle.
PEBKACArticle Title: On Being Locked In, and Getting What I Want OutAuthor: Christopher TurnerWhen it comes to e-reading, it’s often not as simple to get out what you want as it is to get it in.
Desktop PicturesArticle Title: Easter IslandAuthor: James CraigJames Craig shares new images from Easter Island.
46 sources
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