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Why Apple should rename Apple TV+

Wednesday February 12, 2025. 06:55 PM , from Mac Daily News
Apple TV+ offers a concentration of great television series, but it’s hampered by its name, Ryan Christoffel writes for 9to5Mac. Apple’s streaming service would do better with a new name, once that doesn’t mention Apple at all.
Ryan Christoffel for 9to5Mac:

Apple fully owns Beats, but its name isn’t all over it. So Beats is seen as a brand for everyone.
It makes products that work great for iPhone users, but are also Android-friendly.
Whatever you think of Apple as a company, you can still be a fan of Beats.
Apple TV+ would benefit from that level of brand independence.
Apple TV+ has all kinds of branding issues.
Try explaining to the average consumer that Apple TV+ is a separate product from the Apple TV app and the Apple TV 4K.
The name Apple TV+ implies that only ‘Apple users’ can watch the streamer. Which to some degree is true—while TV+ is available on countless smart TVs, it still doesn’t offer an Android app… ‘Apple TV+’ also means the streamer has to carry all the baggage associated with Apple as a whole.

MacDailyNews Take: Yup.
One major product naming goal is to concisely and instantly convey to potential customers what a product is and does. We find that goal particularly humorous when trying to explain Apple TV, Apple TV+, and the Apple TV app to normal people who don’t have time for obtaining doctoral degrees.
The process involved in product naming can take months or years to complete. Some key steps include specifying the branding objectives, developing the product name itself, evaluating names through target market testing and focus groups, choosing a final product name, and marketing it with clarity. Obviously, with “Apple TV,” Apple hasn’t bothered with any of this.
Every day, we thank Jobs that there is no line of Apple TV TVs. – MacDailyNews, May 18, 2020</a>
Explaining Apple TV Channels to an average (non-techie) person is an exercise in frustration. That’s partly because of the major holdouts (i.e. Netflix) and partly due to Apple’s fetid naming swamp (Apple TV, Apple TV HD, Apple TV 4K, Apple TV+, Apple TV App, Apple TV Channels). Ay yi yi. – MacDailyNews, June 17, 2020

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