Apple Watch saves man after crash plunges car into pool
Friday January 17, 2025. 03:58 PM , from Mac Daily News
Brent Hill, a 55-year-old Easthampton [Massachusetts] man, survived a major crash which ended with him trapped upside-down, submerged in his car in a pool, and he’s crediting his Apple Watch for saving his life.
Taylor Smith and Ryan Trowbridge for Western Mass News: It was a scary situation for Hill, who recalled suddenly feeling nauseous while driving home on December 16. That’s the last thing he remembered before completely blacking out. Based on a neighbor’s outdoor camera footage, Hill’s car was seen, a short time later, accelerating through his neighbor’s garage and landing upside down in their swimming pool… While slowly coming back to consciousness, Hill said he recalled hearing a tiny voice speaking to him. While, at first, he thought it was a call from the other side, it turned out that the voice was coming from his Apple Watch. It was emergency services telling him that help was on the way. “If emergency services had not contacted me through that watch and just coached me through that, there’s no way I would’ve got out of there,” he added. Triggered by a crash detection feature on his Apple Watch, emergency services were quickly notified and were there in just a few minutes to help rescue him… His neighbor, Elizabeth Laprade-Appelquist… added that it was amazing to her how smart features on the Apple Watch, like crash detection, helped contact emergency crews just moments after it happened. “My husband was upstairs and so he called 911 and he was on the phone with 911 and they said ‘Oh yeah, we’re talking to the driver right now’ which later we found out is the beauty of the Apple Watch… and they were comforting him because he was saying the water was coming in and I just thought that part was miraculous,” Laprade-Appelquist explained. MacDailyNews Take: Another life saved, thanks to Apple Watch! We are currently about 1/4th of the way to being sustainable with Substack subscriptions. Please tell your Apple-loving friends about MacDailyNews on Substack and, if you’re currently a free subscriber, please consider $5/mo. or $50/year to keep MacDailyNews going. Just hit the subscribe button. Thank you! Read on Substack Please help support MacDailyNews — and enjoy subscriber-only articles, comments, chat, and more — by subscribing to our Substack: Thank you! Support MacDailyNews at no extra cost to you by using this link to shop at Amazon. The post Apple Watch saves man after crash plunges car into pool appeared first on MacDailyNews.
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