Apple preps even thinner, foldable iPhones and MacBooks
Monday December 16, 2024. 03:05 PM , from Mac Daily News
Starting in 2025 Apple plans to introduce an iPhone that will be thinner than the approximately 8-millimeter profile of current models, The Wall Street Journal reports citing “people familiar with the company’s plans.” The thin new iPhone is “intended to be cheaper than Pro models, with a simplified camera system to reduce costs.” Apple is also planning two foldable devices, an iPhone and a MacBook, the same people said.
Aaron Tilley and Yang Jie for The Wall Street Journal: A larger device, intended to serve as a laptop, would have a screen that unfolds to be nearly as large as some desktop monitors, at about 19 inches. A smaller model would unfold to a display size that would be larger than an iPhone 16 Pro Max, intended to serve as a foldable iPhone, the people said. Both foldable designs have been in development for years, but some key parts weren’t ready. Major challenges included improving the hinge, a mechanism that allows the device to fold and unfold, and the display cover, a flexible material protecting the foldable screen. Current foldable phones on the market aren’t thin, light or energy-efficient enough to meet Apple’s standards, which is why Apple has been slower to enter this segment, said Jeff Pu, an analyst with Hong Kong-based brokerage Haitong International Securities. Apple experimented with other different designs, such as having a display on the outside of the device when it is folded, but it now favors an inward-folding design, people familiar with the devices said… As for the ultrathin phone, it would offer an alternative to consumers who like a sleek-looking device and don’t mind giving up some features available in Pro models. MacDailyNews Take: Both the iPhone and MacBook are best-in-class devices, yet they could still use some aesthetic changes and experimentation to drive new sales. We are currently about 1/4th of the way to being sustainable with Substack subscriptions. Please tell your Apple-loving friends about MacDailyNews on Substack and, if you’re currently a free subscriber, please consider $5/mo. or $50/year to keep MacDailyNews going. Just hit the subscribe button. Thank you! Read on Substack Please help support MacDailyNews — and enjoy subscriber-only articles, comments, chat, and more — by subscribing to our Substack: Thank you! Support MacDailyNews at no extra cost to you by using this link to shop at Amazon. The post Apple preps even thinner, foldable iPhones and MacBooks appeared first on MacDailyNews.
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