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Sam Altman tightens grip over OpenAI as he inks major deal with Apple

Thursday May 30, 2024. 08:04 PM , from Mac Daily News
OpenAI’s ChatGPT
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has consolidated his grip on power at the tech firm that briefly ousted him last fall by inking a major deal with Apple to incorporate artificial intelligence into its products, according to a report.
Ariel Zilber for The New York Post:

The 39-year-old tech mogul has pushed out his rivals from the company’s board and is moving full steam ahead with plans to overhaul its nonprofit structure.
With the Apple deal, Altman is now hoping bring the company closer to its goal of one day replacing Google as the iPhone maker’s search partner for its Safari web browser, according to The Information… But Altman’s plans face potential roadblocks.
Microsoft, which has invested billions of dollars in OpenAI, is reportedly concerned about how the deal with Apple could affect its own AI ambitions.
Altman recently held a meeting with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella to discuss Microsoft’s concerns, according to The Information.

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MacDailyNews Take: Screw Satya Nadella’s “concerns.” Microsoft has always been and remains a maker of mediocre-at-best tech. If it isn;t already, Microsoft will be an albatross around OpenAI’s neck. OpenAI will benefit greatly from any association with Apple until Apple catches up in GenAI and is ready to do it itself (which hopefully goes better and faster than Apple’s modem efforts).
I’ve always wanted to own and control the primary technology in everything we do. — Steve Jobs
See also:
• Apple to power some AI features with via data centers using Apple Silicon – May 9, 2024
• Apple teaming with OpenAI on chatbot to be announced at WWDC – May 20, 2024

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