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Apple CEO Cook: We’re investing quite a bit into generative AI; government regulation is coming

Monday November 27, 2023. 06:26 PM , from Mac Daily News
Apple CEO Tim Cook believes government regulation of AI is coming, even as his company invests “quite a bit” into generative AI. The Apple CEO said this during aa podcast he did with Dua Lipa.

Eric J. Savitz for Barron’s:

“In terms of generative AI, obviously, we have work going on,” Cook said on the company’s most recent earnings call, in early November. “I’m not going to get into details about what it is, because, as you know, we really don’t do that, but you can bet that we’re investing, we’re investing quite a bit. We’re going to do it responsibly and you will see product advancements over time where those technologies are at the heart of them.”

MacDailyNews Take: Here’s a transcript of what Cook had to say regarding AI on the Dua Lipa: At Your Service podcast:
If you’re an Apple customer today, AI is in all of the products that we produce. If you’re composing a message or an email on the phone, you’ll see predictive typing tries to predict your next word so that you quickly can choose the word. That’s AI. And so AI is sort of everywhere today.
What has gathered people’s imagination I think more recently is generative AI and the use of large language models, and I think this is an area that is also can be life-changing. And it can be life-changing in a good way, because it can do things like — in the future, I don’t mean necessarily today — it can help diagnose a problem you are having from a health point of view. There’s a limitless kind of number of things that AI can do. 
Unfortunately it can also do not good things… What is needed with AI, this new form of AI, generative AI, is some rules of the road, some regulation around this. And I think many governments around the world are now focused on this and focused on how to do it, and we’re trying to help with that.
And we’re one of the first ones that say this is needed. That some regulation is needed. For us, we’re very thoughtful and deliberate about how we approach these things. And so we think deeply about how people will use our products and if they can be used for nefarious reasons, we don’t go down those paths.
Most governments are a little behind the curve today. I think that’s sort of a fair assessment to make. But I think they are quickly catching up. I think the U.S, the UK, the EU and several countries in Asia are quickly coming up to speed. And I do think there will be some AI regulation in the next 12 to 18 months. I’m pretty confident that will happen… We need it. We absolutely need it.

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