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California Right to Repair bill backed by Apple signed into law

Thursday October 12, 2023. 05:56 PM , from Mac Daily News
Self Service Repair is part of Apple’s efforts to further expand access to repairs, and is intended for individuals who are experienced with the complexities of repairing electronic devices.
This week, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a new right-to-repair law into effect. The law, SB 244, requires companies to provide customers with the tools and information they need to diagnose and repair their own consumer electronics and appliances.
Apple, which has previously fought against right-to-repair legislation, supported SB 244. In August, the company sent a letter to California lawmakers expressing its support for the bill.
Apple already offers a Self Service Repair program for iPhones and Macs, which provides customers with repair kits, repair manuals, and components. The company also offers repair programs for independent repair shops.
However, California’s new law goes further than Apple’s existing programs. It requires service and repair facilities that are not authorized repair providers to disclose whether they are using replacement parts that are not from the device manufacturer. This means that Apple repair stores will have to make it clear to customers if they are using non-Apple parts.
The law also requires companies to provide components, repair manuals, and other repair information for seven years after the sale of any product that costs more than $99.99. This means that customers will be able to repair their devices for longer, even if they are no longer under warranty.
The new right-to-repair law is a victory for consumers and a step in the right direction for the electronics industry. It will give people more control over their devices and make it easier and more affordable to repair them.

MacDailyNews Note: In August, Apple reversed its opposition to the right to repair bill, Senate Bill 244, and urged the California legislature to pass it.

Self Service Repair is intended for individuals with the knowledge and experience to repair electronic devices. If you are experienced with the complexities of repairing electronic devices, Self Service Repair provides you with access to genuine Apple parts, tools, and repair manuals to perform your own out-of-warranty repair. More info here.

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