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Shares of Wearable Devices Ltd. triple after ‘Mudra’ Apple Watch band hits preorder stage

Thursday May 25, 2023. 09:43 PM , from Mac Daily News
Shared of Wearable Devices Ltd. (WLDS) tripled in price to $1.48 each, after the company said its flagship consumer product, the $199 Mudra Band for Apple Watch, is now available for preorder.
Mudra Band for Apple Watch
Biopotentials are electric potentials (typically on a scale of micro-volts) produced by the electrochemical activity of excitable cells in the nervous system of the body.
The idea of measuring biopotential from the surface of the skin isn’t new – historically this phenomenon is used to diagnose various diseases, such as motoric injuries (EMG) and heart arrhythmias (ECG) using clinical sensors and systems. Wearable Devices based its unique wearable sensing system on this phenomenon.
Mudra Band uses patented SNC (Surface Nerve Conductance) sensors designed to sense the biopotentials emanating from the wrist by converting ionic electrical activity from the surface of the skin to electric voltage (Ionic exchange).
In contrast with EMG sensing acquired on the forearm, the wrist area does not contain major muscles groups, therefore the SNC sensors were specially designed to account for a very low SNR input.
Even subtle actions, such as slight finger movement or pressure between two fingers, are registered by the SNC sensors.
Mudra Band “listens” to the brain — nervous system — wrist conversation and translates it into a language we can understand.
The band digitizes the biopotential data and transmits it to the phone or watch, where our algorithms analyze and classify the fingers activity in real time. Wearable Devices tailors each user’s unique movement signatures to hisher physiology via a short calibration procedure.
With the Mudra Band for Apple Watch, users can experience the touch of the future with their iPhones, iPads, Apple TVs, and Macs.
MacDailyNews Take: If it works well enough, we’d want it mainly for Apple TV 4K to let us browse, select apps/channels, adjust volume, and play/pause content!
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