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UK regulator needs more time to review Apple’s alleged App Store monopoly

Friday March 10, 2023. 07:01 PM , from Mac Daily News
The UK’s competition regulator has extended the deadline for its analysis and review into Apple terms and conditions for app developers to May.


The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in March 2021 opened its investigation into Apple’s distribution of apps on iOS and iPadOS devices in the UK.
The ongoing probe would consider if Apple has a dominant position in the distribution of apps on its devices in the UK.

MacDailyNews Take: Ah, the utter expediency of bureaucracy.
The vast majority of developers who pay Apple an App Store commission, pay 15%. That amounts to 12 cents of “inflated prices” for non-free apps on average. So, if you bought 50 apps for your iPhone, it would cost you, on the average, a total of $40. Halving Apple’s commission would reduce that price to $37. Removing Apple’s commission entirely would reduce that price to $34.
Here you see the absolute horror of “inflated prices” caused by Apple trying to cover costs to run their App Store for 1.4+ billion iOS/iPadOS users. A total of $3-$6 per every 50 apps, on average. How can any app consumer survive such abject gouging?!!!
How much did it cost developers to have their apps burned onto CDs, boxed, shipped, displayed on store shelves prior to Apple remaking the world for the better for umpteenth time? Does Apple not have costs to store, review, organize, surface, and distribute apps to 1+ billion users? – MacDailyNews, July 30, 2021
Ultimately, the end user pays, regardless.
Either Apple continues to take App Store commissions to pay for their infrastructure costs or they increase hardware and/or subscription prices to pay for the government interference.
As usual, Big Government is a meddling middleman just attempting to move costs around in order to appeal to their base: “We fought the big, bad corporation meanies and saved you oh-so-much money on your apps (a whole 12 cents per). (We won’t talk about your other costs – hardware, subscription rates, etc. – that were increased in order to compensate for our meddling). We think you’re stupid. Vote for us.”
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[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]
The post UK regulator needs more time to review Apple’s alleged App Store monopoly appeared first on MacDailyNews.
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