When not to use Apple’s Mail Drop file transfer service
Tuesday October 16, 2018. 02:00 PM , from Mac Central
Apple’s Mail Drop is a feature that ties the Mail app with iCloud, letting you send large attachments. Instead of packaging the attachment with the email message, Mail uploads the file to iCloud and includes a link in the email message. The upload doesn’t count against your iCloud storage total, and is only stored for 30 days.Apple explains of Mail Drop’s limits on a support page, and notes just in passing, “The recipients might not be able to access your attachment if the link has an excessive amount of downloads or high traffic.”Macworld reader Ken seems to have run aground on his proviso. He sent a 1GB movie file to about 25 to 30 people via Mail, which uploaded and managed the movie via Mail Drop, but he said after a few recipients had viewed it, the rest were told no more downloads permitted. Since Apple doesn’t specify a limit, this is obviously frustrating.To read this article in full, please click here
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