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How to handle type erasure in advanced Java generics

Thursday March 6, 2025. 10:00 AM , from InfoWorld
Generics programming in Java enhances type safety and code reusability by allowing developers to define classes and methods using type parameters. Advanced techniques like bounded types and wildcards support the creation of flexible data structures and algorithms, which can operate on various data types while maintaining compile-time type checking.

In previous articles, I’ve introduced the essentials of generics programming in Java and advanced techniques of Java generics. In this article, we look at the challenges of programming with generics, specifically type erasure and heap pollution. I will introduce both of these concepts and show you how to work around them in your Java programs.

Type erasure in Java generics

Type erasure is a fundamental concept in Java generics that often confuses new and experienced programmers alike. Understanding type erasure is crucial because it affects how generic code is written, impacts performance considerations, and determines what is possible or impossible in Java with generics. In my previous article, I briefly discussed type erasure in generics. Now we’ll take a closer look.

Type erasure is when the Java compiler, at compile-time, removes all generic type information in the code after it has been checked for type correctness. All generic types are replaced by their raw types, meaning the nearest non-generic parent class (often Object). This transformation ensures backward compatibility with older Java versions that did not support generics.

Goals of type erasure

Type erasure has two primary goals:

Backward compatibility: Ensures that new versions of the libraries (which may use generics) can still be used with older versions of Java that do not recognize generics.

No runtime overhead: By removing generic type information after compilation, generics do not incur any runtime memory or performance overhead compared to non-generic code.

Type erasure in your programs

Consider a simple generic class:

public class Box {
private T t;

public void set(T t) {
this.t = t;

public T get() {
return t;

After type erasure, the Java compiler converts the class to something like this:

public class Box {
private Object t;

public void set(Object t) {
this.t = t;

public Object get() {
return t;

All references to T are replaced by Object, the most general superclass in Java. If there were bounds on the type parameter (e.g., ), the bound class would replace the type parameter.

Challenges with type erasure

There are several ways type erasure may present challenges in your code:

Lost type information at runtime: Generic type information is not available at runtime. This means, for example, that you cannot determine the generic type of a collection at runtime.

Limitations on method overloading: Methods that differ only by generic parameter cannot be overloaded because their erasures are the same:

public void print(List list) {}
public void print(List list) {} // Compile-time error

You cannot instantiate generic types: You cannot create instances of type parameters directly (e.g., new T()), because at runtime, the JVM does not know what T is.

You cannot use instanceof with generic types: Since the specific type parameter is not known at runtime, instanceof cannot be used directly with generic types:

if (obj instanceof Box) {} // Illegal

Casting must be explicit: When retrieving an element from a generic data structure, you must cast it explicitly if you need to use methods specific to the supposed stored type.

Workarounds and solutions to type erasure

While type erasure imposes limitations, there are ways to work around them. One option is to pass class objects as parameters and the other is to use the Java Reflection API. Reflection allows some degree of inspection and manipulation of generic types. However, this information is limited to what is available from parameterized types, not the type parameters.

The next section outlines the possibilities and limitations of using reflection with generics.

Using reflection with generics

Here’s an example of using Java reflection to inspect and discover generic types:

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.List;

class Example {
public List list;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Field field = Example.class.getDeclaredField('list');
Type fieldType = field.getGenericType();

The output from this code would be: java.util.List.

As revealed by reflection, the above code shows the collection and generic type. If we need to get only the generic parameterized type, we could use the following:

public class ReflectionWithGenerics {

public List myList = new ArrayList();

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Field field = ReflectionWithGenerics.class.getDeclaredField('myList');
ParameterizedType listType = (ParameterizedType) field.getGenericType();
Type elementType = listType.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
System.out.println(elementType); // Outputs: class java.lang.String

The output from this code would be: class java.lang.String.

Practical applications of reflection with generics

Discovering generic types via reflection is helpful in scenarios where generic type information is necessary at runtime:

Serialization and deserialization: Libraries that serialize or deserialize data need to know the specific types involved to handle the data correctly.

Dependency injection frameworks: These often use generic types to determine how to inject dependencies.

API frameworks: Frameworks that generate or handle API calls may need to inspect generic types to ensure correct data types are used in requests and responses.

Generic components: Retrieving the generic type at runtime gives us more flexibility to create a generic component, avoiding boilerplate code.

Variance in generics

Type erasure removes runtime type information, making variance rules enforceable only at compile-time. Generics can be invariant, covariant, or contravariant, affecting how different types relate under inheritance.

Invariant generics

In Java, generics are invariant. This means that even if String is a subtype of Object, List is not considered a subtype of List. Here’s an example:

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class InvarianceExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List stringList = new ArrayList();
// The following line will cause a compile-time error:
// List objectList = stringList; // Error: incompatible types
// objectList.add(new Object()); // This would be problematic if allowed

As shown, trying to assign a List to a List results in a compilation error, demonstrating the invariant nature of generic types.

Covariant generics

Covariance allows a type to be substituted by its subtype. Java does not naturally support covariance with generics but does so with arrays, which leads to specific type safety issues:

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class SimpleGenericCovariance {
public static void printNumbers(List

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