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Apollo GraphQL ships connectors for REST APIs

Thursday February 20, 2025. 10:52 PM , from InfoWorld
Apollo GraphQL, provider of the GraphOS API orchestration platform, has introduced Apollo Connectors for REST APIs, a way to integrate REST APIs into a composable GraphQL architecture without writing boilerplate code. The company also announced GraphOS platform enhancements.

These latest releases from Apollo GraphQL offer a declarative approach to API orchestration that allows teams to orchestrate APIs for maximum efficiency, the company said. Teams using Apollo Connectors can adopt declarative, standards-based GraphQL for every orchestration workload in less time and less risk than the alternative, according to Apollo GraphQL. GraphQL combines a query language for APIs and a server-side runtime for executing queries.

Specific benefits cited for Apollo Connectors include the following:

Faster API integration, with developers able to quickly orchestrate multiple REST APIs into a GraphQL endpoint.

Performance optimization, reducing network hops and latency to improve application performance.

Built-in developer tools, offering native integration with Visual Studio Code and JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA plugins for autocompletion, debugging, and real-time schema validation.

The platform enhancements for GraphOS feature a new native query planner in Router 2.0, a “ground-up rewrite” of the runtime plane of the GraphOS platform. Router 2.0 improves query execution speed, reduces infrastructure costs, and enhances scalability, the company said.

Apollo GraphQL also announced a free pricing plan. The free plan provides features such as Apollo Connectors, a self-hosted GraphOS Router, and core observability tools to as many as three persons per organization.

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