Popular Linux Orgs Freedesktop, Alpine Linux Are Scrambling For New Web Hosting
Tuesday February 4, 2025. 02:00 PM , from Slashdot
![]() An issue ticket on's GitLab repository provides the story and the nitty-gritty needs of that project. Both the foundation (home of the 40-year-old window system) and (a shared base of specifications and technology for free software desktops, including Wayland and many more) used Equinix's donated space. Alpine Linux, a small, security-minded distribution used in many containers and embedded devices, also needs a new home quickly. As detailed in its blog, Alpine Linux uses about 800TB of bandwidth each month and also needs continuous integration runners (or separate job agents), as well as a development box. Alpine states it is seeking co-location space and bare-metal servers near the Netherlands, though it will consider virtual machines if bare metal is not feasible. Read more of this story at Slashdot.
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