Internet-Connected 'Smart' Products for Babies Suddenly Start Charging Subscription Fees
Monday January 27, 2025. 09:34 AM , from Slashdot
The EFF has complained that in general 'smart' products for babies 'collect a ton of information about you and your baby on an ongoing basis'. (For this year's 'worst in privacy' product at CES they chose a $1,200 baby bassinet equipped with a camera, a microphone, and a radar sensor...)
But today the Washington Post reported on a $1,700 bassinet that surprised the mother of a one-month-old when it 'abruptly demanded money for a feature she relied on to soothe her baby to sleep.' The internet-connected bassinet... reliably comforted her 1-month-old — just as it had her first child — until it started charging $20 a month for some abilities, including one that keeps the bassinet's motion and sounds at one level all night. The level-lock feature previously was available without a fee. 'It all felt really intrusive — like they went into our bedroom and clawed back this feature that we've been depending on....' When the Snoo's maker, Happiest Baby, introduced a premium subscription for some of the bassinet's most popular features in July, owners filed dozens of complaints to the Federal Trade Commission and the Better Business Bureau, coordinated review bombs and vented on social media — saying the company took advantage of their desperation for sleep to bait-and-switch them... Happiest Baby isn't the only baby gear company that has rolled out a subscription. In 2023, makers of the Miku baby monitor, which retails for up to $400, elicited similar fury from parents when it introduced a $10 monthly subscription for most features. A growing number of internet-connected products have lost software support or functionality after purchase in recent years, such as Spotify's Car Thing — a $90 Bluetooth streaming device that the company announced in May it plans to discontinue — and Levi's $350 smart jacket, which let users control their phones by swiping sensors on its sleeve... Seventeen consumer protection and tech advocacy groups cited Happiest Baby and Car Thing in a letter urging the FTC to create guidelines that ensure products retain core functionality without the imposition of fees that did not exist when the items were originally bought. The Times notes that the bassinets are often resold, so the subscription fees are partly to cover the costs of supporting new owners, according to Happiest Baby's vice president for marketing and communications. But the article three additional perspectives: 'This new technology is actually allowing manufacturers to change the way the status quo has been for decades, which is that once you buy something, you own it and you can do whatever you want. Right now, consumers have no trust that what they're buying is actually going to keep working.' — Lucas Gutterman, who leads the Public Interest Research Group's 'Design to Last' campaign. 'It's a shame to be beholden to companies' goodwill, to require that they make good decisions about which settings to put behind a paywall. That doesn't feel good, and you can't always trust that, and there's no guarantee that next week Happiest Baby isn't going to announce that all of the features are behind a paywall.' — Elizabeth Chamberlain, sustainability director at iFixit. 'It's no longer just an out-and-out purchase of something. It's a continuous rental, and people don't know that.' — Natasha Tusikov, an associate professor at York University Read more of this story at Slashdot.
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