Microsoft just delayed Recall again
Friday November 1, 2024. 10:21 AM , from OS News
Another day, another Windows Recall problem. Microsoft is delaying the feature yet again, this time from October to December.
“We are committed to delivering a secure and trusted experience with Recall. To ensure we deliver on these important updates, we’re taking additional time to refine the experience before previewing it with Windows Insiders,” says Brandon LeBlanc, senior product manager of Windows, in a statement to The Verge. “Originally planned for October, Recall will now be available for preview with Windows Insiders on Copilot Plus PCs by December.” ↫ Tom Warren at The Verge Making Recall secure, opt-in, and uninstallable is apparently taking more time than the company originally planned. When security, opt-in, and uninstallable are not keywords during your design and implementation process for new features, this is the ungodly mess that you end up with. This could’ve all been prevented if Microsoft wasn’t high on its own “AI” supply.
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