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Sony stops selling digital game codes at physical retailers

Tuesday March 26, 2019. 05:14 PM , from Ars Technica
(credit: Aurich x Getty)
PlayStation 4 owners who like buying downloadable game codes directly from brick-and-mortar stores will soon be out of luck. That's because Sony has confirmed to The Verge that it will stop selling such downloadable codes through physical retailers starting on April 1.
The report confirms a Wario64 tweet from last week, which quoted a GameStop memo saying, 'Sony full game digital downloads will only be available for purchase through the PlayStation marketplace' after April 1. Days Gone and Mortal Kombat 11 will be the sole full-game exceptions to this policy, according to the memo, though DLC and season passes will still be available for direct purchase. It's currently unclear if Web-based retailers like Amazon will be affected by the decision.
Retail availability of digital game codes was especially useful for players who didn't or couldn't use a credit card on the PlayStation Network storefront. Buying digital codes through a retailer also let customers make use of trade-in credit from used physical games and take advantage of other retailer promotions without requiring the purchase of a physical disc.
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