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Which is the deepest, hardest Mandelbrot zoom of them all?

Monday October 15, 2018. 02:14 PM , from BoingBoing
I love mandelbrot youtube, where the most important thing is how many iterations is in your deep, hard zoom.
Here's 'Mandelbrot zoom to 10E+1116 with deep zoom into minibrot - 75,000,000 iterations':

Or how about some 'Mandelbrot deep zoom to 10E+2431 at 60 fps - Needle Julia evolution - 30,000,000 iterations.' Very satisfying:

Granted, that's not quite as many iterations as some. Here Eddy Fry offers a staggering 538 trillion iterations, but to be honest I'm not all that impressed with the hardness of his zoom:

Here's a 'lucky zoom' with 7.777*10^777 | 777,777 iterations:

It is amazing what folks find hidden in the set. The 'Pinwheel of Infinity' is a striking example of the uncannyiness of fractals:....and, from Fractal Universe, the 'hardest Mandelbrot Zoom Ever':

You can make your own with Mandelbrot Explorer.
Image: SeryZone
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