Ace Golf: Blade Brawlers 1.0.0
Sunday October 14, 2018. 09:03 PM , from Major Geeks
Ace Golf: Blade Brawlers is a golf game where you can not only use your golf clubs to smash your opponents, it's almost required. Each match starts as a 5x5 team game with the goal of putting the ball in the opponent's hole. The controls took us a bit to get used to. To move across the board, click on an area with your mouse. When near a player, press Q to swing your club at them which will stun them. The E button will cause you to dash and hopefully catch up when needed. Finally, when near the golf ball, press W to go into Golf mode and take a swing. [License: Freeware | Requires:
Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | Size: 28.4 MB ]
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